September 8, 2011

911 Ten Years Later

Event List:

Saturday, Sept. 10, 2011 at 7:30 p.m.
Arlington County rememberance event located at the Air Force Memorial (overlooking the Pentagon Memorial). Musical seletions by the Air Force Band and others.

Sunday, Sept 11, 2011 all day long.

Flags Across Arlington. Display an American Flag on September 11th.

Sunday, Sept 11, 2011, Beginning 7:00 AM. 

Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA. 7:00 AM
The walk through the cemetery will begin at 7:30 and include a moment of silence at 9:37 AM. For More Information and to Register click here

Sunday, Sept 11, 2011 all day long.
Visit the Pentagon 911 Memorial located on the grounds of the Pentagon.

Photo below taken by Cricket South during the 911 Memorial Dedication ceremony at the Pentagon September 8, 2008.

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