October 10, 2011

November 2011 DC Calendar of Events

Nov 3-6, 2011
Alexandria Film Festival
Film List http://alexandriafilm.org/film/

Nov 4-11, 2011
Digital DC Week
Designers, Developers, Entrepreneurs, Social Innovators of all kinds

Nov 5-10, 2011
Foto Week DC

November 11, 2011
Veterans Day
Post from Veterans Day 2009. I was able to attend the Wreath Laying Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery where both President Obama and Vice President Biden participated in honoring our veterans.

Vietnam Wall
1 p.m wreath-laying ceremony pay tribute to all who served and sacrificed during the Vietnam War America's other conflicts.

Arlington National Cemetery
11 a.m. wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

World War II Memorial
9 a.m. Wreath laying ceremony

Navy Memorial
1 p.m. 701 Pennsylvania Ave.

Air Force Memorial
11 a.m. Wreath laying ceremony

Nov 19, 2011
Help the Homeless Walk

Nov 24-Jan 2, 2012
Holiday Decorations at the National Botanical Gardens

Nov 25- Jan 6, 2012
Christmas at Mt Vernon

November 25, 26& 27 (Friday - Sunday)Mt Vernon by Candlelight (Get tickets in advance)

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